
Maximilian Böhme

Physics master student


October 2017 - current

Masters degree Physics, Technical University Dresden

  • Thesis: Investigation of Ionization Potential Depression in Dense Plasmas from Be capsule implosions taken at the NIF and from ${\it ab \, initio}$ simulations
  • Specialization: Theoretical solid-state physics and Chaos in higher-dimensional system
  • Minor: Computer science
  • Expected graduation date: May 2020

October 2016 - August 2017

Masters degree Computational Science and Engineering(not finished), Technical University Dresden and Technical University Freiberg

October 2013 - August 2016

Bachelors degree Physics, Technical University Dresden

  • Thesis: The Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation in a Strong Laser field, Grade: 1.0

  • Minor: Computer Science

  • Final Grade: 2.0


November 2018 - February 2019

Visiting Scholar - University of California Berkeley, Department of Earth and Planetary science

  • Worked on DFT/DFT-MD simulations to study the effect of ionization potential depression in dense plasmas. Publication is currently in preparation.

August 2018 - February 2019

Summer intern - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Worked on X-Ray Thomson Scattering data taken at the National Ignition Facility

  • Implemented a $\chi^2$ fitting library for XRTS spectra
  • Implemented a self-consistent fitting strategy for general XRTS spectra without any special assumptions on the continuum lowering model

November 2017 to Present

Student employee (Remote) - ESTION Technologies GmbH

Maintaining and developing the Data-analysis software for the products E-RETICLE and E-WAFER

  • Implementation of new GUIs using Scilab

  • Improving the overall work-flow and user experience

  • Delivered software to international customers in the semi-conductor industry

September 2014 to Present

Student research assistant - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

  • Design and implement scalable high performance simulations using various parallelization libraries on CPUs as well as GPUs on the hypnos HPC cluster
  • Implementation of a parallel solver for the one-dimensional Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation using NVIDIA CUDA
  • Implemented high performance simulations of charged particles in electromagnetic fields by using the parallelization libraries OpenMP and OpenMPI

  • Evaluate several gigabytes of simulation data using Python

  • Running high performance density functional theory simulations on the TU Dresden Taurus HPC system


  • Experienced in designing massively parallel simulations on HPC clusters

  • Familiar with the test driven development cycle and scrum

  • Proficient in C++-11/14 and Python

  • Experienced in data-analysis with Python using the established data-analysis libraries Numpy, Matplotlib and Mayavi2

  • Experienced with Linux cluster usage, this includes experience with workload managers like SLURM or PBS

  • Proficient in designing and implementing algorithms on GPUs using NVIDIA CUDA

  • Experienced in designing and parallelizing simulations with OpenMP and/or OpenMPI

  • Profound experience in using CMake and git

  • Experienced in using Microsoft Office as well as $\LaTeX$

  • Hands-on experience with container virtualization using Docker

  • Essential knowledge of functional programming styles in C++ and Python

  • Basic knowledge of functional programming using Common Lisp

  • Basic knowledge of Java and SQL

  • Some experience with Matlab, Octave

  • Experienced in maintaining and developing Scilab applications delivered to international customers

  • Experienced in the usage of HPC density functional theory codes Abinit and CPMD


  • German: mother-tongue speaker

  • English: business fluent, level C1 certified by Cambridge Advanced English exam

Research interests

  • Statistical description of dense plasmas with methods of linear response theory
  • Description of ionization potential depression (IPD) under high pressures and extreme compression
  • Many particle physics in non-equilibrium states
  • Theory of X-Ray Thomson Scattering (XRTS)
  • Density functional theory to model dense plasmas and planetary interiors
  • Numerical solution to partial differential equations, especially the in-medium Schrödinger Equation

Personal scientific interests

  • Gauge theory and topology in solid-state physics
  • Field theoretical approaches in solid-state theory
  • Tensor network methods and their synergies to artificial neural networks
  • Theory of functional programming
  • How to automate massively parallelism on HPC systems
  • Improving HPC work-flows