Maximilian Böhme
Physics master student
October 2017 - current
Masters degree Physics, Technical University Dresden
- Thesis: Investigation of Ionization Potential Depression in Dense Plasmas from Be capsule implosions taken at the NIF and from ${\it ab \, initio}$ simulations
- Specialization: Theoretical solid-state physics and Chaos in higher-dimensional system
- Minor: Computer science
- Expected graduation date: May 2020
October 2016 - August 2017
Masters degree Computational Science and Engineering(not finished), Technical University Dresden and Technical University Freiberg
October 2013 - August 2016
Bachelors degree Physics, Technical University Dresden
Thesis: The Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation in a Strong Laser field, Grade: 1.0
Minor: Computer Science
Final Grade: 2.0
November 2018 - February 2019
Visiting Scholar - University of California Berkeley, Department of Earth and Planetary science
- Worked on DFT/DFT-MD simulations to study the effect of ionization potential depression in dense plasmas. Publication is currently in preparation.
August 2018 - February 2019
Summer intern - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Worked on X-Ray Thomson Scattering data taken at the National Ignition Facility
- Implemented a $\chi^2$ fitting library for XRTS spectra
- Implemented a self-consistent fitting strategy for general XRTS spectra without any special assumptions on the continuum lowering model
November 2017 to Present
Student employee (Remote) - ESTION Technologies GmbH
Maintaining and developing the Data-analysis software for the products E-RETICLE and E-WAFER
Implementation of new GUIs using Scilab
Improving the overall work-flow and user experience
Delivered software to international customers in the semi-conductor industry
September 2014 to Present
Student research assistant - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
- Design and implement scalable high performance simulations using various parallelization libraries on CPUs as well as GPUs on the hypnos HPC cluster
- Implementation of a parallel solver for the one-dimensional Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation using NVIDIA CUDA
Implemented high performance simulations of charged particles in electromagnetic fields by using the parallelization libraries OpenMP and OpenMPI
Evaluate several gigabytes of simulation data using Python
- Running high performance density functional theory simulations on the TU Dresden Taurus HPC system
Experienced in designing massively parallel simulations on HPC clusters
Familiar with the test driven development cycle and scrum
Proficient in C++-11/14 and Python
Experienced in data-analysis with Python using the established data-analysis libraries Numpy, Matplotlib and Mayavi2
Experienced with Linux cluster usage, this includes experience with workload managers like SLURM or PBS
Proficient in designing and implementing algorithms on GPUs using NVIDIA CUDA
Experienced in designing and parallelizing simulations with OpenMP and/or OpenMPI
Profound experience in using CMake and git
Experienced in using Microsoft Office as well as $\LaTeX$
Hands-on experience with container virtualization using Docker
Essential knowledge of functional programming styles in C++ and Python
Basic knowledge of functional programming using Common Lisp
Basic knowledge of Java and SQL
Some experience with Matlab, Octave
Experienced in maintaining and developing Scilab applications delivered to international customers
Experienced in the usage of HPC density functional theory codes Abinit and CPMD
German: mother-tongue speaker
English: business fluent, level C1 certified by Cambridge Advanced English exam
Research interests
- Statistical description of dense plasmas with methods of linear response theory
- Description of ionization potential depression (IPD) under high pressures and extreme compression
- Many particle physics in non-equilibrium states
- Theory of X-Ray Thomson Scattering (XRTS)
- Density functional theory to model dense plasmas and planetary interiors
- Numerical solution to partial differential equations, especially the in-medium Schrödinger Equation
Personal scientific interests
- Gauge theory and topology in solid-state physics
- Field theoretical approaches in solid-state theory
- Tensor network methods and their synergies to artificial neural networks
- Theory of functional programming
- How to automate massively parallelism on HPC systems
- Improving HPC work-flows