
Privacy Policy for

Non-Warranty Clause

This is a private blog, containing private opinions, findings and comments. I take absolutely no liability for any consequences that result from using the hereby used information. Do not rely on provided accuracy or timeliness.

There is no entitlement to anyone for the availability of this service.

Seriously, this blog is “some random dude’s opinions provided for free on the internet”.

And I do certainly not endorse content that I link to that is not under my control, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Privacy Policy Data Protection

Visiting the public parts of this website (“service”) is possible without log-in, actively entering personal data (name, e-mail, address, etc.) or registration of any kind.

This website is only available via an encrypted https connection (TLS). Initial access via an unencrypted http connection is redirected.

The website does not use cookies.

For each request a visitor send to the website, the

  • time and date
  • requested resource
  • webserver response code
  • sent user agent, e.g. browser and operating system
  • referrer

are logged for 7 days.

The client IP address is not logged. Third Parties

Individual posts on this blog might include external resources such as Youtube videos, Twitter tweets and other social media embed features.

Loading these embedded resources triggers a visit (“request”) to the third-parties. Their respective data protection rules apply (including third-party cookies).

The currently embedded external resources are:

  • Twitter Tweets with “do-not-track” enabled: Privacy Policy (observed to set cookies)
  • Youtube Videos with “no-cookie” enabled: Google Privacy Policy

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