Recommended papers and talks

Interessting conference Talks

  • Joe Armstrongs (inventor of Erlang, died in 2019) talk about what went wrong in software engineering in the recent years. It’s a real funny and informative talk.

Theoretical physics papers/books

  • Nakaharas book is very comprehensive (I linked the German version here), about almost every topic there is to modern theoretical physics. I use it as a set of tools that I can look up when I am not familiar with a specific mathematical object

Differentialgeometrie, Topologie und Physik

  • A introduction to Quantum Tensor Networks

Quantum Tensor Networks in a Nutshell

Computer science papers/books

Math papers/books

On my academic reading list

Eichfeldtheorie: Eine Einführung in die Differentialgeometrie auf Faserbündeln